Hazardous Materials Specialist | 13 | X0017 | Exempt |
Biosafety Specialist | 13 | X0023 | Exempt |
Coord,Chemical Safety | 13 | X5018 | Exempt |
Environ Hlth Manager | 15 | X6011 | Exempt |
AD,Unv Scty/Dpty Chf of Police | 16 | X7009 | Exempt |
Police Commander | 15 | X7010 | Exempt |
University Biosafety Officer | 15 | X7014 | Exempt |
Sports Team Opns Manager | 13 | Y4003 | Exempt |
Sports Compliance Coord | 12 | Y5005 | Exempt |
Sports Compliance Manager | 15 | Y6005 | Exempt |
Professional Consult/Technical | 17 | Z0099 | Exempt |
Clinical Operations Dir | 16 | S7055 | Exempt |
Mgr,Crisis Services | 14 | S7056 | Exempt |
Health Physicist | 14 | T0005 | Exempt |
Animal Care Compliance Splst | 13 | T0042 | Exempt |
Supv,Animal Res Fac (Division) | 14 | T6009 | Exempt |
Manager, Sales And Events | 11 | U7004 | Exempt |
Athletics Turf Manager | 13 | W6004 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Environmental Svcs | 16 | W7001 | Exempt |
Mgr,Custodial Services | 11 | V7001 | Exempt |
Radiation Safety Specialist | 13 | X0002 | Exempt |
Assoc Project/Construction Mgr | 12 | P1011 | Exempt |
Project/Construction Mgr | 13 | P2011 | Exempt |
Sr Project/Construction Mgr | 14 | P3011 | Exempt |
Mgr,Work Control | 14 | P7005 | Exempt |
Mgr,Facility Operations | 13 | P7006 | Exempt |
Mgr,Facilities Maintenance | 15 | P7007 | Exempt |
Mgr,Phys Plnt & Fclties | 15 | P7008 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Eng & Energy Svcs | 16 | P7009 | Exempt |
Mgr,Utilities Ops & Maint | 15 | Q7007 | Exempt |
Univ Marketing Rep | 12 | N1004 | Exempt |
Public Relations Specialist | 12 | N1013 | Exempt |
Member Data & Relations Splst | 11 | N1022 | Exempt |
Marketing Rep,Sr/Unit | 12 | N4003 | Exempt |
Sr Acquisitions Editor | 13 | N4008 | Exempt |
Public Relations Spec,Sr | 13 | N4013 | Exempt |
Retail Manager | 11 | N6001 | Exempt |
Editor | 11 | N6005 | Exempt |
Social Media Manager | 13 | N6020 | Exempt |
Mgr,Membership Services | 14 | N7018 | Exempt |
Mktg & Outreach Officer | 15 | N7024 | Exempt |
Gallery Manager,Tamarind | 12 | N7034 | Exempt |
Division Manager,Bookstore | 13 | N7035 | Exempt |
Devt & Donor Relns Mgr (Vlcia) | 14 | N7045 | Exempt |
RN Case Manager | 12 | S1018 | Exempt |
Sr Ptnt Sppt Thpst/Crit Care | 14 | S4009 | Exempt |
Program Therapist (Senior) | 13 | S4012 | Exempt |
RN Case Manager (Senior) | 14 | S4018 | Exempt |
Nurse Mgr/General Care | 15 | S7008 | Exempt |
Clinical Research Mgr | 13 | S7013 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Poison Control Ctr | 16 | S7017 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Clinical Services | 14 | S7023 | Exempt |
Clinical Administr Dir/CTSC | 16 | S7024 | Exempt |
Mgr,Primary Care Clinic | 15 | S7025 | Exempt |
Dental Hygienist | 13 | S0037 | Exempt |
Licensed Massage Therapist | 12 | S0064 | Exempt |
Program Therapist | 12 | S1012 | Exempt |
Sr Promotions Producer | 12 | M4007 | Exempt |
Multimedia Devt Specialist | 12 | M5004 | Exempt |
Art Lab Manager | 11 | M6001 | Exempt |
Production Svcs Tech Director | 13 | M7002 | Exempt |
Production Services Manager | 11 | M7003 | Exempt |
TV Executive Producer | 12 | M7011 | Exempt |
TV Production Mgr/Director | 13 | M7012 | Exempt |
Technical Editor | 12 | N0014 | Exempt |
Technical Journalist | 11 | N0017 | Exempt |
Account Exec/Broadcast Media | 11 | N0022 | Exempt |
HSC Media Relations Mgr | 13 | N0033 | Exempt |
Marketing Rep/Unit | 11 | N1003 | Exempt |
Digital & Media Svcs Ops Mgr | 12 | K7010 | Exempt |
Research Information Splst | 13 | L0012 | Exempt |
Community-Based Resrch Splst | 11 | L0017 | Exempt |
Statistician | 11 | L1006 | Exempt |
HS/Associate Scientist 1 | 12 | L1018 | Exempt |
Scientist/Health Sciences | 14 | L1019 | Exempt |
HS/Associate Scientist 2 | 13 | L2018 | Exempt |
HS Associate Scientist 3 | 14 | L3018 | Exempt |
Sr Statistician | 13 | L4006 | Exempt |
Science Mus Collection Mgr,Sr | 13 | L4015 | Exempt |
Sr Scientist/Health Sciences | 16 | L4019 | Exempt |
HS Sr Research Specialist | 13 | L4020 | Exempt |
Clinical Research Supervisor | 11 | L6001 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,OCA | 15 | L7005 | Exempt |
Sci Research Manager | 13 | L7010 | Exempt |
Mgr,Clinical Trials Operations | 15 | L7011 | Exempt |
Research Facility Director | 15 | L7012 | Exempt |
Master Printer/Lithography | 13 | M0002 | Exempt |
Health Educator | 11 | H0015 | Exempt |
Coding Education Manager | 13 | H0043 | Exempt |
EMS Educator | 11 | H1009 | Exempt |
Curator 2 | 11 | H2002 | Exempt |
Library Info Specialist 3 | 11 | H3001 | Exempt |
Curator 3 | 13 | H3002 | Exempt |
Instructnl Media Project Mgr | 13 | H4007 | Exempt |
Library Services Coordinator | 12 | H5006 | Exempt |
Coord,Exhibitions | 11 | H5052 | Exempt |
Supv,Wellness Program | 13 | H6023 | Exempt |
Mgr,Library Operations | 13 | H7002 | Exempt |
Transfer Articultn Manager | 13 | G6046 | Exempt |
Medical Education Prog Mgr | 13 | G6105 | Exempt |
Mgr,Enrollment Services | 12 | G7001 | Exempt |
Associate Registrar | 14 | G7008 | Exempt |
Mgr,Employer Outreach | 13 | G7019 | Exempt |
Mgr,Instruction | 13 | G7020 | Exempt |
Mgr,Community Educ Services | 13 | G7037 | Exempt |
Registrar / Law School | 13 | G7044 | Exempt |
Education & Outreach Mgr | 14 | G7053 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir Accessibility Svcs | 14 | G7056 | Exempt |
Scholarships & Outreach Mgr | 13 | G7060 | Exempt |
Career Services Mgr/Br/Div | 12 | G7061 | Exempt |
Registrar & Stdt Svcs Ofcr-HSC | 16 | G7075 | Exempt |
Academic Success Mgr/Law Schl | 14 | G7076 | Exempt |
Mgr,Stdnt&Career Svcs/Law Schl | 15 | G7084 | Exempt |
Training Specialist | 11 | H0013 | Exempt |
Emergency Med Dispatcher | 05 | Z0012 | Non-Exempt |
Microelectronics Tech | 09 | Z1005 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Electronics Tech | 10 | Z4004 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Food Services | 08 | U6001 | Non-Exempt |
Preventive Maintenance Coord | 10 | V5003 | Non-Exempt |
Security Assistant | 07 | X1019 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Parking Services | 09 | X6001 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Security | 07 | X6004 | Non-Exempt |
Referee | 06 | Y0014 | Non-Exempt |
Asst Athletic Equipment Mgr | 07 | Y1002 | Non-Exempt |
Athletic Equipment Manager | 09 | Y4002 | Non-Exempt |
Machinist | 10 | Z0001 | Non-Exempt |
Cartographer | 10 | Z0005 | Non-Exempt |
Lab Tech | 07 | Z0010 | Non-Exempt |
Intnl Admissions & Rcmt Splst | 11 | G0057 | Exempt |
Medical Education Prog Splst | 12 | G4005 | Exempt |
Diversity Program Director | 15 | G6003 | Exempt |
Student Activities Specialist | 11 | G6015 | Exempt |
Supv,Community Ed Programs | 12 | G6017 | Exempt |
Web Site Administrator | 14 | E6010 | Exempt |
Sr Engineering Lab Coordinator | 12 | F3001 | Exempt |
Mgr,Univ Facilities Engnrg | 16 | F7003 | Exempt |
Faculty Services Rep | 11 | D1005 | Exempt |
Training & Devt Specialist | 11 | D1010 | Exempt |
Mgr,CRLS | 14 | A7018 | Exempt |
Executive Asst/Enterprise Unit | 12 | A7019 | Exempt |
Mgr,Clinical Support | 12 | A7020 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,NM EPSCOR | 16 | A7024 | Exempt |
Sponsored Projects Splst | 11 | B1040 | Exempt |
Accountant 2 | 12 | B2001 | Exempt |
Mgr,Purchasing | 15 | A7033 | Exempt |
Accountant 3 | 13 | B3001 | Exempt |
Sr Faculty Affairs Conslt/SOM | 14 | D4007 | Exempt |
Program Planning Officer | 14 | A7043 | Exempt |
Sr Contracts Specialist | 13 | B4014 | Exempt |
Financial Svcs Accountant,Sr | 14 | B4039 | Exempt |
Sponsored Projects Splst,Sr | 12 | B4040 | Exempt |
Professional Consultant | 16 | A0003 | Exempt |
Executive Assistant | 13 | A7071 | Exempt |
Supv,Med Billing | 12 | B6001 | Exempt |
Internal Audit Manager | 16 | B6009 | Exempt |
Supv,Fiscal Services | 14 | B6015 | Exempt |
UNMTemps & Recruitment Srv Mgr | 14 | D6012 | Exempt |
University Policy Specialist | 12 | A0053 | Exempt |
Group Mgr,Med Billing Opns | 13 | A7073 | Exempt |
Assc Dir,Student Hlth & Cnslng | 16 | A7078 | Exempt |
Budget Officer | 15 | B7001 | Exempt |
Associate Controller | 16 | B7002 | Exempt |
Mgr,Accounting | 15 | B7003 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Finance & Admin | 16 | B7004 | Exempt |
Business Manager | 13 | B7006 | Exempt |
Research & Information Mgr | 14 | A0057 | Exempt |
Senior Operations Manager | 14 | A7086 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Univ Budget Opns | 16 | B7013 | Exempt |
Institutional Researcher | 13 | A1020 | Exempt |
Mgr,Div Supp Svcs | 15 | A7094 | Exempt |
Group Manager, Med Coding | 13 | A7097 | Exempt |
HSC Budgets Administrator | 15 | B7017 | Exempt |
Financial Officer (Optg Grp) | 15 | B7019 | Exempt |
Bursar | 16 | B7020 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Financial Aid | 15 | B7022 | Exempt |
HSC Faculty Contracts Director | 16 | D7030 | Exempt |
Business Analyst | 13 | A1029 | Exempt |
Compliance Splst | 13 | A2126 | Exempt |
Unit Administrator 1 | 11 | A7105 | Exempt |
Unit Administrator 3 | 13 | A7107 | Exempt |
Sr Business Mgr | 14 | B7027 | Exempt |
Mgr,Business Services | 12 | B7033 | Exempt |
Sr Human Research Review Alst | 11 | A4007 | Exempt |
Academic Opns Ofcr | 15 | A7108 | Exempt |
Academic Opns Ofcr (Sr) | 16 | A7109 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator C1 | 14 | A7110 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator C2 | 15 | A7111 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator C3 | 16 | A7112 | Exempt |
Information Systems Auditor | 15 | E0001 | Exempt |
Sr Institutional Researcher | 14 | A4020 | Exempt |
Business Analyst,Sr | 14 | A4029 | Exempt |
Operations Specialist | 11 | A5035 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator R1 | 13 | A7113 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator R2 | 14 | A7114 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator R3 | 15 | A7115 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator A1 | 12 | A7116 | Exempt |
Database Des & Analysis Mgr | 13 | A5041 | Exempt |
Coord,President's Ofc Events | 12 | A5061 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator A2 | 13 | A7117 | Exempt |
Dept Administrator A3 | 14 | A7118 | Exempt |
Executive Admin Assistant/HSC | 14 | A7120 | Exempt |
Exec Research Ops Officer/Div | 16 | A7122 | Exempt |
Attorney | 14 | C1001 | Exempt |
Sr Attorney | 16 | C4001 | Exempt |
HPC Systems Splst 1 | 13 | E1017 | Exempt |
Program Planning Manager | 13 | A6010 | Exempt |
Mgr,Small Business Devt Ctr | 13 | A6011 | Exempt |
Human Protections Specialist | 13 | A6024 | Exempt |
HSC Mgr,Compliance | 15 | A7136 | Exempt |
Dir,Span Colonial Res Ctr | 14 | A8017 | Exempt |
CVO Credentialing Manager | 13 | A6027 | Exempt |
HPC Systems Splst 2 | 14 | E2017 | Exempt |
Accountant 1 | 11 | B1001 | Exempt |
Contracts Specialist | 12 | B1014 | Exempt |
Faculty Affairs & Svcs Cnslt | 13 | D0041 | Exempt |
HPC Systems Splst 3 | 15 | E3017 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Latin American Inst | 14 | A7009 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Business Operations | 14 | A7011 | Exempt |
Mgr,Referral Services | 12 | A7016 | Exempt |
Transport Vehicle Service Tech | 08 | Q1011 | Non-Exempt |
Pat Svcs Rep/Critical Care | 08 | A2018 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Pat Svcs/Critical Care | 10 | A3018 | Non-Exempt |
IT Support Tech 1 | 09 | E1047 | Non-Exempt |
IT Support Tech 2 | 10 | E2047 | Non-Exempt |
Research Specialist/Lab | 11 | L0008 | Non-Exempt |
Research Assistant/Staff | 06 | L0011 | Non-Exempt |
Research Specialist/Facilities | 11 | L0013 | Non-Exempt |
Research Tech/Phys Sciences | 08 | L1003 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Grants Coordinator | 10 | A4015 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Outreach Clinic | 08 | A5001 | Non-Exempt |
IT Support Tech 3 | 11 | E3047 | Non-Exempt |
Web Designer,Sr | 12 | E4006 | Non-Exempt |
Research Tech/Life Sciences | 08 | L1005 | Non-Exempt |
Field Research Tech/Life Sci | 08 | L1009 | Non-Exempt |
HS Research Assistant | 06 | L1016 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Technical Drafter | 10 | F4004 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Research Tech/Life Sciences | 10 | L4005 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Water Systems | 12 | Q6013 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Biomed Rsrch Suppt | 09 | A5027 | Non-Exempt |
Admissions Advisor | 10 | G0001 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Engineering Lab | 10 | F6002 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Shop | 09 | F6006 | Non-Exempt |
Videographer | 07 | M0006 | Non-Exempt |
Charge Nurse / Specialty | 14 | S5012 | Non-Exempt |
Patient Clinical Suppt Coord | 10 | S5013 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Electronic Hlth Records | 07 | A5059 | Non-Exempt |
Translator/Interpreter | 10 | G0027 | Non-Exempt |
Multimedia Assistant | 07 | M0012 | Non-Exempt |
House Management Associate | 05 | M0015 | Non-Exempt |
Piano Tech | 10 | M0017 | Non-Exempt |
Enrollment Services Rep | 08 | G0039 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Lecture Demonstration | 10 | G0040 | Non-Exempt |
Transfer Articultn Analyst | 11 | G0046 | Non-Exempt |
TV Production Tech 1 | 08 | M1001 | Non-Exempt |
TV Production Tech 2 | 10 | M2001 | Non-Exempt |
Med Coding Analyst | 11 | B1007 | Non-Exempt |
Unit Procurement Rep | 08 | B1015 | Non-Exempt |
Clinical Tchg Assoc (On-Call) | 99 | G0052 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Theatre/Concert Prod | 09 | M5007 | Non-Exempt |
Multimedia Svcs Tech | 10 | M5010 | Non-Exempt |
Poison Information Tech | 07 | T0004 | Non-Exempt |
Histology Tech | 11 | T0014 | Non-Exempt |
Acct Operations Tech 1 | 07 | B1019 | Non-Exempt |
Acct Operations Tech 2 | 08 | B2019 | Non-Exempt |
Medical Education Prog Coord | 10 | G1005 | Non-Exempt |
Medical Education Prog Asst 1 | 08 | G1006 | Non-Exempt |
Stdnt Enrollment Assoc/Branch | 08 | G1009 | Non-Exempt |
Standardized Patient/Trainee | 07 | G1013 | Non-Exempt |
Medical Interpreter | 09 | T0047 | Non-Exempt |
Acct Operations Tech 3 | 09 | B3019 | Non-Exempt |
Admissions Associate | 08 | G1021 | Non-Exempt |
Medical Education Prog Asst 2 | 09 | G4006 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Stdnt Enrollment Assoc | 10 | G4009 | Non-Exempt |
Video/Audio Visual Tech | 10 | N0026 | Non-Exempt |
Ticket Office Representative | 07 | N0039 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Referral Services | 08 | S0032 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Med Coding Analyst | 12 | B4007 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Fiscal Services Tech | 11 | B4012 | Non-Exempt |
Standardized Patient | 09 | G4013 | Non-Exempt |
Sr. Degree Audit Analyst | 11 | G4014 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Admissions Associate | 09 | G4021 | Non-Exempt |
Customer Service Supervisor | 08 | N4001 | Non-Exempt |
Histology Tech,Sr. | 12 | T0020 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Financial Aid | 11 | B6011 | Non-Exempt |
Senior Student Records Analyst | 09 | G5008 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Student & Graduate Svcs | 12 | G5032 | Non-Exempt |
Case Manager | 10 | T5004 | Non-Exempt |
Admin Assistant/Legal | 09 | C0002 | Non-Exempt |
Legal Secretary | 08 | C0016 | Non-Exempt |
Paralegal | 11 | C1002 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Education Support | 09 | G5034 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,On-Campus Recruiting | 10 | G5035 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Student Records | 11 | G6002 | Non-Exempt |
Test Administrator | 10 | G6004 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Teaching Lab | 12 | G6005 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Member Data & Relations | 10 | N5022 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Membership | 08 | N6007 | Non-Exempt |
Expediter | 07 | O0002 | Non-Exempt |
Job Development Officer | 10 | D0009 | Non-Exempt |
Preparator | 08 | H0001 | Non-Exempt |
Coordinator, Mailing Operation | 06 | O5005 | Non-Exempt |
Admin Assistant to the Dean | 10 | A0010 | Non-Exempt |
Curatorial Assistant | 07 | H0020 | Non-Exempt |
Med Lab Teaching Asst | 09 | H0028 | Non-Exempt |
Teaching Lab Technician | 08 | H1010 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Warehouse | 10 | O6006 | Non-Exempt |
Data Analyst | 10 | A0035 | Non-Exempt |
Med Investigations Assistant | 07 | A0024 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Curriculum Development | 11 | H5002 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,General Services | 09 | O6010 | Non-Exempt |
Mine Maint Tech | 06 | Q0002 | Non-Exempt |
Human Research Review Analyst | 10 | A1007 | Non-Exempt |
Web Designer | 11 | E1006 | Non-Exempt |
Game Stats Crew Member | 05 | I0010 | Non-Exempt |
Sponsored Projects Officer,Sr | 14 | B4038 | Exempt |
IT Officer | 16 | E7047 | Exempt |
Medical Practice Specialist,Sr | 14 | B3041 | Exempt |
Multimedia Producer/Dir,Exec | 14 | M7016 | Exempt |
Fiscal Opns Director/Division | 16 | B7036 | Exempt |
Mgr,Sponsored Projects | 15 | B7038 | Exempt |
Training Support Analyst | 10 | D0027 | Non-Exempt |
Univ Budgets Administrator | 15 | B7016 | Exempt |
Admin Assistant Pool/UNMTemps | 90 | A0070 | Non-Exempt |
Industrial Security Officer | 15 | X7006 | Exempt |
General Labor Pool/UNMTemps | 90 | PVW01 | Non-Exempt |
Police Dispatch Supervisor | 09 | X6024 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Multimedia Services | 14 | M7004 | Exempt |
Mgr,Academic Advisement | 14 | G7086 | Exempt |
HS Research Tech 2 | 09 | L2021 | Non-Exempt |
HS Research Tech 3 | 10 | L3021 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Student Success | 14 | G7087 | Exempt |
Archivist | 13 | H0004 | Exempt |
Dir,Broadcast Technology | 15 | N8063 | Exempt |
Clinical Administr Dir/UNMCCC | 16 | S7058 | Exempt |
Radiology Tech | 10 | T1005 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Med Staff Qlty Compliance | 16 | A8025 | Exempt |
Teacher,Pre-College Programs | 11 | H0045 | Exempt |
Development Associate | 14 | N5015 | Exempt |
Mgr,IT Svcs | 15 | E7129 | Exempt |
Archaeology Field Director | 11 | L5010 | Non-Exempt |
Univ Marketing Rep,Sr | 13 | N4004 | Exempt |
Mgr,Clinical Qlty Improvement | 14 | S7004 | Exempt |
Admin Assistant to Exec Dir | 10 | A5008 | Non-Exempt |
Interiors Design Associate | 10 | F0012 | Non-Exempt |
Communication & Outreach Spec | 12 | N0043 | Exempt |
Surgical Tech/Specialty | 10 | T0041 | Non-Exempt |
Dentist | 18 | R7009 | Exempt |
Mgr,Midwifery Nursing | 17 | S7010 | Exempt |
Clinical Research Associate | 15 | L6012 | Exempt |
Mgr,Pharmacy | 17 | S7002 | Exempt |
Nurse Midwife | 16 | S0017 | Exempt |
Univ Media Relations Officer | 14 | N0009 | Exempt |
Campus Advocate | 12 | I0011 | Exempt |
Radiologic Tech/Specialty,Sr | 14 | T3005 | Exempt |
Clinical Psychologist | 14 | R1002 | Exempt |
Univ Assessment Specialist | 12 | G0059 | Exempt |
Sr Clinical Psychologist | 15 | R4002 | Exempt |
Mgr,Athletics Ticketing | 14 | N7060 | Exempt |
Mgr,Safety | 15 | D7001 | Exempt |
Mgr,Neonatal Nurse Pract | 17 | S7007 | Exempt |
Technical Training Consultant | 13 | D1016 | Exempt |
Supv,Data Collection/NMTR | 13 | T6010 | Non-Exempt |
HS Research Tech 1 | 08 | L1021 | Non-Exempt |
Police Lieutenant | 13 | X6015 | Non-Exempt |
Science Mus Collection Mgr | 12 | L1015 | Exempt |
Health Extension Regional Ofcr | 15 | A7034 | Exempt |
Multimedia Producer/Dir | 11 | M5016 | Exempt |
Dir,Comm & Outreach Proj ECHO | 15 | N7064 | Exempt |
Student Eligibility Specialist | 12 | G0062 | Exempt |
General Services Assistant | 05 | A0050 | Non-Exempt |
Aquatics Manager | 11 | I6001 | Non-Exempt |
Personal Trainer | 11 | H2004 | Non-Exempt |
Group Fitness Instructor | 09 | H0019 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Arboriculture | 11 | W6008 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Univ Web Communications | 16 | N7056 | Exempt |
Technical Lab Coordinator | 12 | F5001 | Exempt |
Group Sales Rep | 10 | N0005 | Non-Exempt |
Accommodations Specialist | 12 | A0068 | Exempt |
Program Manager | 13 | A6002 | Exempt |
Multimedia Producer/Dir,Sr | 13 | M6016 | Exempt |
Archaeology Crew Member | 08 | L1010 | Non-Exempt |
Research Engineer 1 | 13 | F1002 | Exempt |
Theatre/Stage Tech | 08 | M1008 | Non-Exempt |
Student Recruitment Specialist | 12 | G5037 | Exempt |
Coord,Safety & Training | 10 | X5019 | Non-Exempt |
Curator 1 | 09 | H1002 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Research Scientist 3 | 16 | L3004 | Exempt |
Dir,University Marketing | 16 | N8041 | Exempt |
Supv,Student Success | 13 | G5087 | Exempt |
Dir,Ticketing Svcs | 15 | N7003 | Exempt |
Coord,Program Scheduling Sr | 10 | N4010 | Non-Exempt |
Research Scientist 3 | 13 | L3001 | Exempt |
Supv,Maint/Construction | 12 | P6002 | Non-Exempt |
Development Specialist | 12 | N5013 | Exempt |
Mgr,Core IT Svcs | 16 | E7122 | Exempt |
Supv,Broadcast Operations | 11 | N6062 | Non-Exempt |
Financial Analyst | 14 | B4008 | Exempt |
Medical Practice Analyst | 10 | B1041 | Non-Exempt |
Research Scientist 2 | 12 | L2001 | Exempt |
Broadcast Technology Tech | 09 | N1063 | Non-Exempt |
Broadcast Technology Tech,Sr | 11 | N4063 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Environmental Svcs | 15 | W7007 | Exempt |
Mgr,Compliance | 14 | A7126 | Exempt |
Supv,Records Mgmt | 08 | O6004 | Non-Exempt |
Ex Off,Crim/Juv Jst Coord Cncl | 16 | A7062 | Exempt |
Archaeologist | 12 | L6010 | Non-Exempt |
Dept Human Resources Rep | 12 | D5014 | Exempt |
Mgr,Sports Facilities | 14 | Y7004 | Exempt |
Shipping & Recvg Coord/Retail | 07 | O5004 | Non-Exempt |
Branch Recruitment Specialist | 11 | G5033 | Exempt |
Radiologic Tech/Specialty | 13 | T2005 | Non-Exempt |
Univ Accreditation Mgr | 14 | G5046 | Exempt |
Trauma Consultant | 12 | S0019 | Exempt |
Broadcast Operator | 09 | N1062 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Program Manager | 14 | A7002 | Exempt |
Grad Contracts Rep | 10 | G0058 | Non-Exempt |
Curator/Lithography | 11 | M0013 | Exempt |
Research Engineer 3 | 15 | F3002 | Exempt |
Supv,Special Activities | 11 | A6009 | Non-Exempt |
Custodian of Public Records | 14 | C6000 | Exempt |
Supv,International Edu | 13 | G5088 | Exempt |
Mgr,International Education | 14 | G7088 | Exempt |
Archaeology Crew Chief | 10 | L4010 | Non-Exempt |
Lab Animal Tech 3 | 11 | T3004 | Non-Exempt |
Pool/Facilities Maint Tech | 08 | I0001 | Non-Exempt |
Health Education Consultant | 12 | H0023 | Exempt |
Sr Research Scientist 2 | 15 | L2004 | Exempt |
Supv,Academic Advisement | 13 | G5086 | Exempt |
Research Engineer 2 | 14 | F2002 | Exempt |
Mgr,Mktg & Devt/KUNM | 14 | N7029 | Exempt |
Sr Research Scientist 1 | 14 | L1004 | Exempt |
Dir,Core IT Svcs | 18 | E8022 | Exempt |
Accreditation Specialist | 12 | G0063 | Exempt |
Field Research Assistant | 06 | L0006 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Venue Operations | 13 | V7005 | Exempt |
Dir,Admissions & Recruit | 16 | G8025 | Exempt |
Athletic Coach 1 | 95 | Y1020 | Exempt |
Administrative Coordinator | 10 | A0047 | Non-Exempt |
Nurse Educator | 15 | S0046 | Exempt |
Dir,Health System Marketing | 16 | N7053 | Exempt |
HR Tech | 10 | D1072 | Non-Exempt |
HR Tech,Sr | 11 | D4072 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Clinical Trials/Affiliates | 18 | A8031 | Exempt |
Medical Assistant | 08 | T0036 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Residence Life Community | 09 | G5041 | Non-Exempt |
Learning Specialist | 12 | S1060 | Exempt |
Assistant University Counsel | 15 | C5002 | Exempt |
Athletic Coach 4 | 95 | Y7020 | Exempt |
Deputy University Counsel | 19 | C7005 | Exempt |
Coord,Residence Life Area | 11 | G5042 | Exempt |
Music Director | 11 | M7006 | Exempt |
Dir,Econ & Comm Devt/HSC | 16 | A7138 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,IT Svcs | 16 | E7109 | Exempt |
Civil Rights Advisor | 14 | A0107 | Exempt |
Strategic Planner | 16 | A0011 | Exempt |
Chief Adm Ofcr/Project ECHO | 17 | A8110 | Exempt |
Midlevel/Nursing Svcs Dir/SHAC | 16 | S7001 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Ext Affrs/Athletics | 16 | N7050 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Athletic Development | 16 | Y7021 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Athletic Events Mgmt | 16 | Y7023 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Core IT Svcs | 17 | E7022 | Exempt |
Dir,Student Financial Aid | 16 | B8005 | Exempt |
Chf Budgt & Facil Officer/HSC | 18 | B8021 | Exempt |
Dir,Univ Budget Operations | 17 | B8024 | Exempt |
Dir,Planning, Design & Const | 17 | F8007 | Exempt |
Dir,Recreational Services | 16 | I8001 | Exempt |
Chief Compliance Officer | 99 | A8106 | Exempt |
Dir,Student Affairs/Sm Branch | 15 | G8030 | Exempt |
Dir,Tamarind Institute | 15 | M8002 | Exempt |
Director of Assessment | 16 | G8031 | Exempt |
Coord,Accommodations | 10 | G5050 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Custodial Services | 09 | V6001 | Non-Exempt |
Emergency Med Tech/Paramedic | 11 | T0034 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Student Services/Lg Unit | 16 | G8033 | Exempt |
Dir,University Benefits | 17 | D8012 | Exempt |
Dir,Facilities Management | 18 | A8014 | Exempt |
Dir,Univ Advising Strategies | 16 | G8029 | Exempt |
Dir,Harwood Museum | 15 | H8001 | Exempt |
Dir,Art Museums | 16 | H8002 | Exempt |
Dir,BBER | 17 | L8001 | Exempt |
Chief Procurement Officer | 18 | A8015 | Exempt |
Dir,Real Estate | 17 | A8016 | Exempt |
Dir,Institutional Analytics | 16 | A8035 | Exempt |
Dir,Business Opns/Lg Branch | 16 | A8040 | Exempt |
Exec Dir,Research & Compliance | 17 | A8107 | Exempt |
Dir,Research Admin/UNMCCC | 17 | L8008 | Exempt |
Mgr,Store Operations | 10 | N7021 | Non-Exempt |
Postal Tech,Sr | 07 | O4005 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Shipping/Receiving | 09 | O6001 | Non-Exempt |
Teacher,Non-Credit Programs | 90 | H0048 | Exempt |
Field Research Assoc/Biol Sci | 08 | L0009 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Theatre/Stage Production | 09 | M6008 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Student Housing | 08 | G5007 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Cust Svc/Loss Prevention | 09 | N6017 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Contract & Grant Admnstrtr | 13 | B4011 | Exempt |
Mental Health Tech | 05 | T1002 | Non-Exempt |
Curator,Education & Publ Progs | 13 | H0021 | Exempt |
Learning Specialist,Sr | 14 | S4060 | Exempt |
Mgr,Medical Staff Affairs | 13 | A6037 | Exempt |
Dir,Accessibility Resource Ctr | 16 | G8018 | Exempt |
Biostatistician | 15 | L0018 | Exempt |
Dir,Design & Innovation | 16 | A8127 | Exempt |
Supv,Med Records | 10 | A6006 | Non-Exempt |
Emergency Med Tech/Intermed | 09 | T0033 | Non-Exempt |
Audio-Visual Tech | 05 | M1003 | Non-Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Alumni Relations | 15 | N7005 | Exempt |
Dir,Research Institute | 17 | L8009 | Exempt |
Public Information Rep | 11 | N0023 | Exempt |
Mgr,Research Admin | 14 | A7035 | Exempt |
Coord,Outreach | 08 | N5011 | Non-Exempt |
Lab Aide | 05 | Z0011 | Non-Exempt |
Recycling Tech,Lead | 06 | O2004 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Clinic | 08 | A5002 | Non-Exempt |
Physician | 93 | R6002 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,SHAC QualityPrgms/RN | 15 | S7059 | Exempt |
Sports Information Director | 14 | N7013 | Exempt |
Special Asst to the Head Coach | 15 | Y7022 | Exempt |
Dir,Student Services/Sm Unit | 15 | G7089 | Exempt |
Coord,Scheduling Sr | 11 | A4008 | Non-Exempt |
Development Officer | 15 | N6004 | Exempt |
Info Security Ofcr | 17 | E7045 | Exempt |
Radiation Safety Officer | 17 | X7003 | Exempt |
Events Planner | 11 | A5019 | Exempt |
Environ Hlth & Safety Tech 2 | 10 | X2020 | Non-Exempt |
Master Water Systems Tech | 11 | Z4015 | Non-Exempt |
Radio Production Tech | 08 | M1005 | Non-Exempt |
Compliance Asst | 11 | A1126 | Exempt |
Mgr,UNM Press EDP Services | 14 | N7057 | Exempt |
Mgr,UNM Press Mktg & Sales | 14 | N7037 | Exempt |
Real Estate Associate | 11 | A2028 | Exempt |
Real Estate Associate,Sr | 13 | A3028 | Exempt |
Assoc University Counsel | 17 | C7001 | Exempt |
Sr Assoc University Counsel | 18 | C7002 | Exempt |
Career Dev Facilitator | 11 | G1020 | Exempt |
Career Dev Facilitator,Sr | 12 | G2020 | Exempt |
Chief Information Officer/HSC | 99 | E9003 | Exempt |
Faculty Research Support Offic | 14 | A7036 | Exempt |
Contact Tracing Investigator | 12 | S2078 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Business Opns/Sm Branch | 15 | A8097 | Exempt |
Dir,Sponsored Projects | 17 | B8038 | Exempt |
Caseworker | 06 | I0002 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Imaging Services | 14 | T6018 | Non-Exempt |
Training & Devt Consultant | 12 | D4010 | Exempt |
Dir,Ethnic Student Services | 16 | A8004 | Exempt |
Dir,Exec & Prof Ed Ctr | 16 | A8112 | Exempt |
Athletic Field Tech | 05 | W0008 | Non-Exempt |
Clinical Nutritionist | 12 | S1001 | Exempt |
Clinical Nutritionist,Sr | 13 | S4001 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Capital Projects | 16 | F7004 | Exempt |
Coord,Academics | 10 | A5065 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Maint & Construction | 14 | P7003 | Exempt |
Sports Team Coordinator | 10 | Y5006 | Non-Exempt |
Internal Auditor | 13 | B2002 | Exempt |
Internal Auditor,Sr | 15 | B3002 | Exempt |
Emergency Med Tech/Basic | 07 | T0032 | Non-Exempt |
Training Project Consultant | 12 | D0025 | Exempt |
Production Director | 11 | M7008 | Exempt |
Chief Financial Services Ofcr | 18 | B8022 | Exempt |
Dir,IT Svcs | 17 | E8109 | Exempt |
Academic Intern | 06 | G0056 | Non-Exempt |
Central Registry Tumor Rgstr | 12 | T0057 | Non-Exempt |
Hospital Cancer Tumor Rgstr | 12 | T0056 | Non-Exempt |
Instructional Media Splst | 12 | H1007 | Exempt |
Water Systems Tech | 10 | Z2015 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Machinist | 12 | Z2001 | Non-Exempt |
Chief Information Officer | 99 | E9002 | Exempt |
Dir,Student Activities | 16 | G8005 | Exempt |
Executive Project Director | 17 | A8038 | Exempt |
Research Scientist 1 | 11 | L1001 | Exempt |
Neonatal Practice Trainee | 13 | S0033 | Exempt |
Pharmacy Tech | 09 | T0060 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Bookstore | 16 | N8003 | Exempt |
General Manager & CEO/NM PBS | 18 | N8006 | Exempt |
Asst VP,Institutional Support | 18 | A8099 | Exempt |
Graphic Designer | 10 | M1002 | Non-Exempt |
Graphic Designer,Sr | 11 | M4002 | Exempt |
Team Opns Dir/Major Sports | 14 | Y7019 | Exempt |
Business Development Splst | 11 | A4011 | Exempt |
Teacher/Basic Education | 11 | H0007 | Exempt |
University Treasurer | 17 | B8055 | Exempt |
Equal Opportunity Investigator | 14 | D5042 | Exempt |
Athletic Coach 2 | 95 | Y2020 | Exempt |
Athletic Coach 3 | 95 | Y3020 | Exempt |
Environ Hlth & Safety Tech 3 | 11 | X3020 | Non-Exempt |
Exec Dir,Global Ed Initiatives | 16 | G8012 | Exempt |
Chief Univ Mkt & Comm Officer | 18 | N8017 | Exempt |
VP,Alumni Relations | 18 | N8021 | Exempt |
Technical Stage Manager | 11 | M6009 | Exempt |
Alumni Relations Officer | 13 | N6012 | Exempt |
Nurse Mgr/Critical Care | 16 | S7027 | Exempt |
Admin Assistant 3 | 08 | A3004 | Non-Exempt |
Radio Operations Manager | 12 | M7013 | Exempt |
Mgr,Law Admissions/Programs | 15 | G7043 | Exempt |
Library Info Specialist 2 | 09 | H2001 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Custodial Svcs | 07 | V5002 | Non-Exempt |
Education Associate | 07 | H0024 | Non-Exempt |
Youth Summer Prog Wkr 1 | 99 | A1021 | Non-Exempt |
Youth Summer Prog Wkr 2 | 99 | A2021 | Non-Exempt |
Accounting Clerk | 07 | B2004 | Non-Exempt |
Program Coordinator | 10 | A5004 | Non-Exempt |
Admin Assistant 2 | 07 | A2004 | Non-Exempt |
Student Success Splst | 10 | G1087 | Non-Exempt |
Lab Animal Tech 2 | 09 | T2004 | Non-Exempt |
Arborist | 07 | W1008 | Non-Exempt |
Police Dispatcher | 08 | X2024 | Non-Exempt |
Structural Tech 1 | 08 | P1004 | Non-Exempt |
Training & Devt Consultant,Sr | 14 | D5010 | Exempt |
Painter | 06 | P0009 | Non-Exempt |
Receiving Clerk | 05 | O0008 | Non-Exempt |
Financial Aid Officer | 10 | G0030 | Non-Exempt |
Fiscal Services Tech | 09 | B1012 | Non-Exempt |
Master Electrician | 11 | Q4002 | Non-Exempt |
Lab Animal Tech 1 | 07 | T1004 | Non-Exempt |
Clinical Therapy Specialist | 15 | S0013 | Non-Exempt |
Genetic Counselor | 14 | S1008 | Exempt |
Dir,Internal Audit | 19 | B8006 | Exempt |
Chemical Hygiene Officer | 14 | X7015 | Exempt |
Dir,Online Strategies & AT | 18 | E8110 | Exempt |
Coord,Procurement Card Svcs | 10 | A5009 | Non-Exempt |
International Edu Advisor | 10 | G1088 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Recreational Services | 10 | I5001 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Sports Facilities Events | 09 | Y5007 | Non-Exempt |
Data Entry Operator | 05 | A1037 | Non-Exempt |
Medical Scribe | 09 | A1014 | Non-Exempt |
Speech-Lang Pathologist | 14 | S0020 | Exempt |
Staff Nurse/RN | 13 | S0015 | Non-Exempt |
Clinical Nurse Specialist | 15 | S0004 | Exempt |
Facilities Services Manager | 11 | V7003 | Exempt |
Supply/Stock Clerk | 05 | O0005 | Non-Exempt |
Postal Tech | 05 | O1005 | Non-Exempt |
Campus Svcs Assoc,Sr/Branch | 09 | V4002 | Non-Exempt |
Library Info Specialist 1 | 07 | H1001 | Non-Exempt |
Service Call Coordinator | 07 | N0010 | Non-Exempt |
HVAC Tech 1 | 08 | Q1005 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Admin Support | 10 | A6023 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Sign Order Fulfillment | 08 | O5003 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Employee Assistance Prog | 16 | S8005 | Exempt |
Hospital Cancer Med Abstr | 10 | T0054 | Non-Exempt |
Food Service Worker | 05 | U0004 | Non-Exempt |
Lead Parking Officer | 06 | X4006 | Non-Exempt |
HVAC Tech 2 | 10 | Q2005 | Non-Exempt |
Light Equipment Operator | 07 | W1001 | Non-Exempt |
Admissions Officer | 11 | G0029 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Special Events | 08 | A5007 | Non-Exempt |
Gardener | 06 | W1002 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Records Mgmt | 07 | O0004 | Non-Exempt |
Parking Services Rep | 07 | X1021 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Student Admissions | 09 | G5004 | Non-Exempt |
Master Gardener | 07 | W4002 | Non-Exempt |
Parking Officer | 05 | X0008 | Non-Exempt |
Testing Assistant | 07 | G0009 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Recruitment Services | 10 | G5019 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Recycling | 07 | O5001 | Non-Exempt |
Master Structural Tech | 10 | P4004 | Non-Exempt |
Structural Tech 2 | 09 | P2004 | Non-Exempt |
Family Specialist | 10 | H1035 | Non-Exempt |
Police Recruit | 09 | X0012 | Non-Exempt |
Pathologists' Assistant | 15 | T0001 | Exempt |
Poison Info Splst (Certified) | 16 | S4005 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Ticket Office | 09 | N5002 | Non-Exempt |
Oncology Nurse (ICU) | 15 | S0009 | Non-Exempt |
Accessioning Tech | 09 | T1062 | Non-Exempt |
Admin Assistant to Dir | 09 | A0012 | Non-Exempt |
Accessioning Tech,Sr | 10 | T4062 | Non-Exempt |
Custodian | 05 | V1001 | Non-Exempt |
Child Care Worker | 05 | H0005 | Non-Exempt |
Athletic Admissions Specialist | 11 | G0006 | Non-Exempt |
Prodn Publshg Systems Tech | 07 | K0015 | Non-Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Real Estate | 16 | A7079 | Exempt |
Real Estate Officer | 15 | A7087 | Exempt |
Special Events Worker | 05 | I0003 | Non-Exempt |
Advanced Practice Provider | 16 | S0022 | Exempt |
Mgr,Ticket Operations | 12 | N7023 | Exempt |
Trades Inspector | 13 | P0007 | Exempt |
Supv,Health Info Management | 14 | A6099 | Exempt |
Police Dispatcher,Pre-Cert | 07 | X1024 | Non-Exempt |
Mover | 05 | O0009 | Non-Exempt |
Tutor | 08 | H0010 | Non-Exempt |
Development Assistant | 09 | N0008 | Non-Exempt |
Development Coordinator | 10 | N5012 | Non-Exempt |
Electrician 1 | 08 | Q1002 | Non-Exempt |
Program Operations Director | 15 | A7069 | Exempt |
University House Coord | 06 | V5004 | Non-Exempt |
Security Guard | 05 | X0009 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Lock Shop | 12 | Q6015 | Non-Exempt |
Clinical Assistant | 06 | A0008 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Inventory Control | 07 | O5002 | Non-Exempt |
Educational Site Coordinator | 09 | G5024 | Non-Exempt |
Lifeguard | 05 | I0009 | Non-Exempt |
Community Health Worker,Lead | 11 | A6030 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,University Compliance | 15 | A5126 | Exempt |
Buyer | 10 | A2001 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Facilities | 08 | A5011 | Non-Exempt |
Central Registry Med Abstr | 10 | T0055 | Non-Exempt |
Trades Tech Helper | 05 | P0001 | Non-Exempt |
Benefits Specialist,Sr | 14 | D4012 | Exempt |
Mgr,Broadcast Operations | 13 | N7025 | Exempt |
Turf Equipment Tech | 08 | Q1009 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Program Scheduling | 08 | N5003 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Vehicle Equip & Fleet Svcs | 14 | Q7002 | Exempt |
Plumber 2 | 10 | P2002 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Faculty Relations/Main | 16 | D7048 | Exempt |
Compensation Specialist | 13 | D1002 | Exempt |
Compensation Specialist,Sr | 14 | D4002 | Exempt |
Sign Tech | 06 | Q0004 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Distance Education | 09 | G5010 | Non-Exempt |
Cook | 05 | U0010 | Non-Exempt |
Police Sergeant | 12 | X6003 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Registration | 10 | G5015 | Non-Exempt |
Transfer Pathways Officer | 14 | G0060 | Exempt |
Irrigation Tech | 06 | W1003 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Tutor | 09 | H4003 | Non-Exempt |
HR Consultant | 13 | D1015 | Exempt |
HR Projects Specialist | 14 | D0033 | Exempt |
International Edu Advisor,Sr | 12 | G2088 | Non-Exempt |
Student Success Splst,Sr | 12 | G2087 | Non-Exempt |
Licensed Irrigation Tech | 07 | W2003 | Non-Exempt |
Certified Auto Tech | 10 | Q2003 | Non-Exempt |
Archaeology Project Admin | 13 | L7007 | Non-Exempt |
Office Assistant | 05 | A0026 | Non-Exempt |
HR Services Rep | 07 | D1013 | Non-Exempt |
HR Transactions Ctr Rep,Sr | 11 | D4021 | Non-Exempt |
HR Transactions Ctr Rep | 10 | D1021 | Non-Exempt |
Master Irrigation Tech | 08 | W3003 | Non-Exempt |
Admin Assistant 1 | 06 | A1004 | Non-Exempt |
Med Transcription Editor,Sr | 09 | A4025 | Non-Exempt |
Marketing Assistant/Unit | 08 | N0016 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Faculty Relations/HSC | 16 | D7047 | Exempt |
Adv Pract Provider,CAA/CRNA | 19 | S0024 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Children's Campus | 15 | A7128 | Exempt |
Dir,Children's Campus | 16 | A8128 | Exempt |
News Director | 12 | M7007 | Exempt |
Dir,Univ Scty/Chief of Police | 18 | X8001 | Exempt |
Med Transcription Editor | 08 | A1025 | Non-Exempt |
OMI Operations Director | 16 | X7008 | Exempt |
Education & Devt Manager | 13 | D7015 | Exempt |
Master Teacher,Early Childhood | 10 | H4008 | Exempt |
Nurse Navigator | 15 | S6011 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Child Care Center | 16 | H8003 | Exempt |
Plumber 1 | 08 | P1002 | Non-Exempt |
Licensed Prctcl Nurse | 09 | S0042 | Non-Exempt |
Food Svc Site Operator | 06 | U0003 | Non-Exempt |
Operations Manager | 13 | A6034 | Exempt |
Program Specialist | 12 | A0037 | Exempt |
Pharmacist | 16 | S0027 | Exempt |
Poison Information Specialist | 15 | S1005 | Non-Exempt |
Specialty Nurse/RN | 15 | S0006 | Exempt |
Sports Equip Attendant | 05 | V0004 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Financial Aid | 13 | B7015 | Exempt |
Data Manager | 12 | A6098 | Exempt |
Campus Svcs Asst/Branch | 05 | V1002 | Non-Exempt |
Head Athletic Trainer | 15 | Y7002 | Exempt |
Supv,Grounds & Landscaping | 11 | W6003 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Scheduling | 09 | A1008 | Non-Exempt |
Recycling Tech | 05 | O1004 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Data Entry | 07 | A5037 | Non-Exempt |
Genetic Counselor,Sr | 15 | S4008 | Exempt |
Mgr,Public Transport Opns | 14 | X7011 | Exempt |
Facilities Services Tech | 07 | Q1004 | Non-Exempt |
Athl Afrs & Spts Progs Dir | 16 | Y7007 | Exempt |
Data Scientist 3 | 16 | L3022 | Exempt |
Campus Security Officer | 06 | X0021 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Financial Operations | 17 | B8056 | Exempt |
Academic Program Review Splst | 12 | G0070 | Exempt |
Coord,Student Housing Ops | 10 | G5021 | Non-Exempt |
Master Cert Auto Tech | 11 | Q4003 | Non-Exempt |
Adv Prac Provider,Oncology | 16 | S0047 | Exempt |
Charge Nurse/Critical Care | 15 | S5014 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Intercollegiate Athletics | 99 | Y8001 | Exempt |
General Counsel | 99 | C8006 | Exempt |
AVP,Student Services | 18 | G8008 | Exempt |
Nursing Technician | 06 | T0024 | Non-Exempt |
Student Recruiter | 11 | G0004 | Non-Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Popejoy Mktg/Prgming | 14 | M7017 | Exempt |
Strategic Support Manager | 15 | A7014 | Exempt |
Coord,Research | 10 | A5006 | Non-Exempt |
Academic Advisor | 10 | G1086 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Graduate Programs | 10 | G5002 | Non-Exempt |
Biostatistician,Sr | 16 | L4018 | Exempt |
Mgr,Children's Campus/Branch | 14 | A7129 | Exempt |
Univ Advisement Specialist | 13 | G0088 | Exempt |
Field Supv,Bus Services | 10 | X6009 | Non-Exempt |
Bus Driver Trainee | 07 | X0028 | Non-Exempt |
Water Systems Tech,Pre-Cert | 08 | Z1015 | Non-Exempt |
Instructional Assistant | 06 | G0010 | Non-Exempt |
Lead Facilities Services Tech | 08 | Q4004 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Utilities Instrmt & Ctrls | 12 | Q6004 | Non-Exempt |
Utilities Maint Mechanic 1 | 09 | Q1012 | Non-Exempt |
Utilities Maint Mechanic 2 | 10 | Q2012 | Non-Exempt |
Unit Procurement Rep,Sr | 10 | B4015 | Non-Exempt |
Ornamental/Turf Pest Ctrl Tech | 08 | W0007 | Non-Exempt |
IPM Tech | 08 | W0006 | Non-Exempt |
Course Catalog Specialist | 12 | A0071 | Exempt |
Bus Driver | 09 | X0004 | Non-Exempt |
Autopsy Assistant | 08 | T1061 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Public Events | 08 | M5002 | Non-Exempt |
Administrative Officer (Div) | 13 | A7007 | Exempt |
Electrician 2 | 10 | Q2002 | Non-Exempt |
Popejoy Mktg/Prgming Splst | 11 | M0022 | Exempt |
Strategic Project Director | 16 | A7123 | Exempt |
Counselor/Social Worker,Sr | 14 | S4011 | Exempt |
AVP for Academic Resources Mgt | 18 | G8036 | Exempt |
Teacher,Early Childhood | 08 | H1008 | Exempt |
Inventory Control Clerk | 06 | O0001 | Non-Exempt |
Grants Coordinator | 09 | A1015 | Non-Exempt |
Autopsy Tech | 09 | T2061 | Non-Exempt |
Autopsy Tech,Sr | 10 | T4061 | Non-Exempt |
Deputy Controller/Main | 18 | B8020 | Exempt |
Campus Svcs Assoc/Branch | 07 | V2002 | Non-Exempt |
Police Officer | 11 | X0013 | Non-Exempt |
Master HVAC Tech | 11 | Q4005 | Non-Exempt |
Admissions Rep/Data Entry | 06 | G0032 | Non-Exempt |
Deputy Chief of Staff | 16 | A8111 | Exempt |
Content Specialist | 12 | N1020 | Non-Exempt |
Editorial Specialist/Research | 11 | N0025 | Exempt |
Academic Advisor,Sr | 12 | G2086 | Non-Exempt |
Parking Equipment Tech | 05 | Q0009 | Non-Exempt |
Univ Social Media Mgr | 14 | N6022 | Exempt |
Dir,University Communication | 16 | N8009 | Exempt |
Special Activities Tech | 07 | O0012 | Non-Exempt |
Exec Dir,Student Hlth & Cnslng | 93 | S8004 | Exempt |
Supv,Utilities Maint | 12 | Q6002 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Purchasing | 07 | A5010 | Non-Exempt |
University Archivist | 14 | H7016 | Exempt |
Sponsored Projects Officer | 13 | B1038 | Exempt |
Programming Director/KUNM | 14 | N7040 | Exempt |
Optometrist | 16 | S0080 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Utility Services | 16 | Q7003 | Exempt |
Dir,Utility Services | 17 | Q8001 | Exempt |
Utilities Electrician | 14 | Q0016 | Non-Exempt |
Utilities Maint Mech(Pre-Cert) | 08 | Q0014 | Non-Exempt |
Small Business Advisor | 10 | A0015 | Non-Exempt |
Shop Tech | 07 | F0006 | Non-Exempt |
Child Development Associate | 07 | H0003 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,HR Services | 17 | D8017 | Exempt |
Labor/Employee Relations Ofcr | 16 | D8013 | Exempt |
Coord,Student Services | 08 | G5012 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Recycling Services | 09 | O6003 | Non-Exempt |
Master Utilities Maint Mech | 11 | Q4012 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Academic Success | 15 | G8034 | Exempt |
Data Entry Operator,Sr | 06 | A4037 | Non-Exempt |
Master Plumber | 11 | P4002 | Non-Exempt |
Labor/Employee Rltns Analyst | 12 | D0073 | Exempt |
Mgr,HR Client Services | 15 | D7053 | Exempt |
Field Deputy Med Investigator | 06 | X0010 | Non-Exempt |
Data Scientist 1 | 14 | L1022 | Exempt |
Data Scientist 2 | 15 | L2022 | Exempt |
Coord,Enrollment Services | 08 | G5014 | Non-Exempt |
Audio-Visual Tech,Sr | 06 | M4003 | Non-Exempt |
Locksmith,Pre-Certified | 08 | Q1018 | Non-Exempt |
Locksmith,Certified | 09 | Q4018 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,HR Compensation | 16 | D7045 | Exempt |
Supv,HR Service Center | 12 | D6023 | Exempt |
Nurse/Clinical Research Coord | 15 | S6005 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Popejoy Hall | 16 | M8018 | Exempt |
Education Specialist | 11 | H0014 | Exempt |
Education Consultant | 13 | H0046 | Exempt |
Credentialing Specialist | 10 | A5021 | Non-Exempt |
Sr Dir,Mkt & Com/Hlth Sys/HSC | 17 | N7065 | Exempt |
Marketing Manager | 14 | N7055 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Sponsrd Proj/Pre-Awd | 16 | B7040 | Exempt |
Exec Dir,Housing Res Life | 17 | G8027 | Exempt |
Dir,Facilities Design & Const | 17 | P8008 | Exempt |
Core IT Svcs Splst | 15 | E1039 | Exempt |
Dir,Environ Health & Safety | 17 | A8098 | Exempt |
Univ Emergency Mgt Coordinator | 13 | X5014 | Exempt |
IT Project Mgr 1 | 12 | E1049 | Exempt |
Programmer Analyst 1 | 12 | E1051 | Exempt |
Technical Analyst 1 | 12 | E1048 | Exempt |
Dir,Government Relations | 16 | N8012 | Exempt |
Mgr,Human Resources | 15 | D7046 | Exempt |
Electrical QA/QC Splst | 14 | P4021 | Exempt |
Mechanical QA/QC Splst | 14 | P4022 | Exempt |
Dir,Campus Capital & Space Pln | 17 | F8008 | Exempt |
Quality Assurance Manager/SOM | 15 | S7060 | Exempt |
Coord,Quality Assurance | 13 | S5060 | Exempt |
Dir,Faculty Affairs/SOM | 16 | D7032 | Exempt |
OMI Records Tech | 07 | A0031 | Non-Exempt |
Instrmt & Controls Tech 1 | 09 | Z1007 | Non-Exempt |
Technical Analyst 2 | 13 | E2048 | Exempt |
Systems/Network Analyst 2 | 13 | E2050 | Exempt |
Programmer Analyst 2 | 13 | E2051 | Exempt |
HR Administrator 1 | 12 | D7055 | Exempt |
Pre-Cert Signed Lang Interp | 99 | G0054 | Non-Exempt |
Associate Planner | 11 | F1015 | Non-Exempt |
Special Asst to the Dean/SOM | 16 | A0072 | Exempt |
Stdn Acntblty&Cnflct Rsltn Spl | 13 | G6150 | Exempt |
Mgr,Broadcast Technology | 13 | N7063 | Exempt |
Br Facilities Maint Supervisor | 09 | Q6014 | Non-Exempt |
Theatre Technical Specialist | 09 | M4008 | Non-Exempt |
IT Project Mgr 2 | 13 | E2049 | Exempt |
Systems/Network Analyst 3 | 14 | E3050 | Exempt |
Programmer Analyst 3 | 14 | E3051 | Exempt |
Technical Analyst 3 | 14 | E3048 | Exempt |
Assoc Title IX Coord | 14 | A5117 | Exempt |
Capital Plan Manager | 14 | P6008 | Exempt |
Mgr,SHAC Laboratory | 14 | T6020 | Exempt |
Hearing Officer | 15 | A0604 | Exempt |
SOM Administrator | 17 | A7039 | Exempt |
Branch/Division Registrar | 13 | G6009 | Exempt |
Chief Gov Relations Officer | 19 | N8052 | Exempt |
IT Project Mgr 3 | 14 | E3049 | Exempt |
IT Svcs Splst | 15 | E0038 | Exempt |
Security Operations Director | 15 | X0027 | Exempt |
Dir,Sustainability | 15 | W8006 | Exempt |
Master Instrmt & Cntrls Tech | 11 | Z4007 | Non-Exempt |
Instrmt & Controls Tech 2 | 10 | Z2007 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,HSC Operations/Rio Rancho | 16 | A8087 | Exempt |
Crime Data Analyst | 10 | A0075 | Non-Exempt |
Interior Designer | 13 | F6012 | Exempt |
Athletics Analyst | 11 | Y0023 | Exempt |
Executive Dir,Student Affairs | 17 | G8037 | Exempt |
Mgr,Sustainability | 14 | W7006 | Exempt |
Mgr,HR Transaction Center | 14 | D7054 | Exempt |
HR Analyst,Sr | 12 | D4029 | Exempt |
Dir of Fin,HSC Office of Rsrch | 17 | B8057 | Exempt |
HR Analyst | 11 | D1029 | Exempt |
Univ Communication Rep | 13 | N4009 | Exempt |
Cybersecurity Engineer 1 | 13 | E1060 | Exempt |
Deputy AD/COO,Athletics | 18 | N7067 | Exempt |
Space Planning & Design,Coord | 14 | F6013 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Parking & Trans Svcs | 15 | X7001 | Exempt |
Medical Staff Coordinator | 11 | A5064 | Exempt |
Medical Director | 93 | R8003 | Exempt |
VP,Fin & Admin,Hlth & Hlth Sci | 99 | B9004 | Exempt |
Customer Service Associate | 05 | N0046 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Audience Services | 13 | A7130 | Exempt |
Deputy VP,ISS Strategy and Ops | 18 | A8114 | Exempt |
Mgr,Special Activities | 14 | A7144 | Exempt |
Athletic Stdnt Enrlmt Ofcr | 14 | G0045 | Exempt |
University Controller | 99 | B9005 | Exempt |
Government Relations Analyst | 14 | N0061 | Exempt |
University Secretary | 16 | A7001 | Exempt |
Registrar | 16 | G8010 | Exempt |
Supv,Fleet Svcs & Parking Fac | 12 | X6030 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Automotive Services | 12 | Q6006 | Non-Exempt |
Utility Plant Tech 1 | 09 | Q1010 | Non-Exempt |
Utility Plant Tech 2 | 10 | Q2010 | Non-Exempt |
Dean of Students | 18 | G8065 | Exempt |
Associate Dean of Students | 16 | G7065 | Exempt |
Dir,Golf Courses | 15 | I8009 | Exempt |
Supv,Medical Lab Technologist | 13 | T6019 | Exempt |
Asst VP,Human Resources | 18 | D8008 | Exempt |
Core IT Svcs Splst,Sr | 16 | E4039 | Exempt |
Instrmt & Ctrls Tech Pre-Cert | 08 | Z0014 | Non-Exempt |
Utility Plant Opns Supervisor | 12 | Q6001 | Non-Exempt |
Planner | 13 | F2015 | Exempt |
Planner,Sr | 14 | F6015 | Exempt |
Medical Lab Technologist | 10 | T0017 | Non-Exempt |
Collections Manager | 13 | H7018 | Exempt |
Editorial Tech | 09 | N0018 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Administrative Opns | 15 | A7017 | Exempt |
Master Utility Plant Tech | 11 | Q4010 | Non-Exempt |
Professional Support Intern | 08 | A2099 | Non-Exempt |
Coord,Merchandise/Retail | 08 | N5016 | Non-Exempt |
Cybersecurity Engineer 2 | 14 | E2060 | Exempt |
Cybersecurity Engineer 3 | 15 | E3060 | Exempt |
Esports Coach | 10 | Y5030 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Student Union Building | 16 | G8032 | Exempt |
Deputy Medical Investigator,Sr | 11 | L4011 | Non-Exempt |
Professional Intern | 09 | A3099 | Non-Exempt |
Professional Intern/Technical | 10 | F3099 | Non-Exempt |
Associate Ombuds | 14 | D0007 | Exempt |
Dir,Career Services | 16 | G8003 | Exempt |
Energy Services Tech | 12 | Z0015 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Energy Services | 13 | P6015 | Exempt |
Energy Services Manager | 14 | P6005 | Exempt |
Med Malpractice Claims Splst | 13 | C0009 | Exempt |
Security & Alarm Tech | 11 | Q4016 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Security & Alarm Systems | 12 | Q6016 | Non-Exempt |
Station Operations Dir/KNME | 15 | N7119 | Exempt |
Marketing Splst,Tamarind | 12 | N0047 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,UNM Online | 16 | A7141 | Exempt |
Heavy Equipment Operator | 08 | W2001 | Non-Exempt |
Assoc Director OMI Operations | 15 | X7108 | Exempt |
Cert Signed Lang Interp | 99 | G0055 | Non-Exempt |
Thrt Assmnt & CARE Team Coord | 13 | X5012 | Exempt |
Collections Associate | 11 | H4018 | Exempt |
Unit Administrator 2 | 12 | A7106 | Exempt |
Director & Title IX Coord | 17 | A6117 | Exempt |
Asst VP,Facilities Services | 18 | A8189 | Exempt |
Univ Assoc Dir,Admis & Recruit | 15 | G7090 | Exempt |
Mgr,Library Div | 15 | H7103 | Exempt |
Director of CAELD | 14 | G7062 | Exempt |
Project Manager | 13 | A7142 | Exempt |
Project Manager,Sr | 14 | A7143 | Exempt |
Environ Hlth & Safety Tech 1 | 08 | X1020 | Non-Exempt |
HS Research Splst | 11 | L1020 | Exempt |
University Facilities Engineer | 15 | F4010 | Exempt |
Dir,HSC Capital Projects | 17 | F8009 | Exempt |
Associate Athletic Trainer | 12 | Y2023 | Exempt |
HR Administrator 2 | 13 | D7056 | Exempt |
HR Administrator 3 | 14 | D7057 | Exempt |
Deputy Medical Investigator | 10 | L1011 | Non-Exempt |
Systems/Network Analyst 1 | 12 | E1050 | Exempt |
Dir,Dining & Hospitality | 16 | A8140 | Exempt |
Safety Specialist 1 | 12 | X1014 | Exempt |
Athletic Media Specialist | 11 | M1009 | Exempt |
Athletic Media Specialist,Sr | 13 | M2009 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Risk/Ins & Claims | 16 | A7005 | Exempt |
Supv,Client Services | 12 | D6024 | Exempt |
Community Health Worker | 09 | A0019 | Non-Exempt |
Neonatal Practice Specialist | 17 | S0041 | Exempt |
Sr Neonatal Devt Specialist | 15 | S6012 | Exempt |
Neonatal Devt Specialist | 14 | S5008 | Exempt |
University Ombuds | 16 | D8015 | Exempt |
Dir,Student Affairs/Lg Branch | 16 | G8002 | Exempt |
Host Reporter,Sr | 12 | N0049 | Exempt |
Associate Facilities Engineer | 14 | F1010 | Exempt |
Non-Clinical Patient Navigator | 08 | S0081 | Non-Exempt |
Host Reporter | 10 | N0048 | Non-Exempt |
Counselor/Social Worker | 13 | S1011 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Equal Opportunity | 15 | D7016 | Exempt |
Director of Equal Opportunity | 17 | D8001 | Exempt |
VP,Instutional Suppt Svcs | 99 | A9011 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Admissions & Recruit | 14 | G7007 | Exempt |
Utility Plant Tech (Pre-Cert) | 08 | Q0013 | Non-Exempt |
Resource Conservation Manager | 14 | A6007 | Exempt |
Dir,HSC Communications | 16 | N8059 | Exempt |
Operations Splst,Reading Room | 11 | A5146 | Non-Exempt |
Administrative Hearing Officer | 16 | A0603 | Exempt |
Content Director/KNME | 15 | N7019 | Exempt |
Automotive Tech | 08 | Q1003 | Non-Exempt |
Student Activities Advisor | 12 | G0015 | Exempt |
Safety Specialist 2 | 13 | X2014 | Exempt |
Supv,Technical Services/OMI | 14 | L6011 | Exempt |
VP HR,Chief HR Officer | 99 | D9001 | Exempt |
Dir,Clinical Counseling Svcs | 16 | R8012 | Exempt |
Sr Assoc Dir,Facilities Mgmt | 17 | A7145 | Exempt |
Dir,NMCHP | 17 | L8017 | Exempt |
Turf Tech | 05 | W1004 | Non-Exempt |
Supv,Residence Life | 12 | G6143 | Exempt |
Shift Supv/OMI | 12 | L5011 | Exempt |
Mgr,Space Optimization | 15 | P7010 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Clinical Cnslg Svcs | 15 | R7012 | Exempt |
University Policy Officer | 16 | A7040 | Exempt |
Mgr,Retail & Custom Experience | 09 | N6018 | Non-Exempt |
General Manager/KUNM | 16 | N8008 | Exempt |
Medical Practice Specialist | 12 | B2041 | Exempt |
Staff Interpreter | 12 | G0016 | Non-Exempt |
Exec Dir,Human Resources | 17 | D8018 | Exempt |
Chief of Staff,EVP/SVP Ofc | 17 | A8003 | Exempt |
Deputy CIO | 19 | E8002 | Exempt |
Dir,Parking & Trans Services | 16 | X8002 | Exempt |
Chief HSC Compliance Officer | 18 | A8028 | Exempt |
Mgr,Grounds & Landscaping | 14 | W7004 | Exempt |
Reporter,Sr | 12 | N4102 | Exempt |
Claims Specialist | 12 | A1100 | Exempt |
Claims Specialist,Sr | 14 | A4100 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,HSC Compliance | 16 | A8136 | Exempt |
Assistant Athletic Trainer | 11 | Y1023 | Exempt |
Mgr,Career Counseling | 14 | H7003 | Exempt |
Supv,Golf Course | 12 | I6009 | Exempt |
Campus Watch Coordinator | 12 | X5015 | Non-Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Golf Courses | 14 | I7009 | Exempt |
Benefits Specialist | 12 | D1012 | Exempt |
Dir,Opns/Student Affairs | 16 | A8047 | Exempt |
Dir,Opns/Fin & Admin | 16 | A8051 | Exempt |
Esports Director | 14 | Y8030 | Exempt |
Coord,Clery | 15 | A5125 | Exempt |
Spec Asst to the Bd of Regents | 13 | A5131 | Exempt |
Patron Services Coordinator | 08 | N5052 | Non-Exempt |
Mgr,Emp Engagement & Org Devt | 16 | D7114 | Exempt |
Deputy Chief Compliance Ofcr | 17 | A7127 | Exempt |
Assistant Golf Professional | 07 | I4009 | Non-Exempt |
Contracted Employee | 99 | A0098 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Opns/HSC Admin | 16 | A8052 | Exempt |
Chief Strategy&Partnership Off | 99 | A8115 | Exempt |
Engagem & Org Devt Consult,Sr | 14 | D4014 | Exempt |
Engagement & Org Devt Consult | 13 | D1014 | Exempt |
HR Communications & Proj Splst | 13 | D0006 | Exempt |
University Planner | 15 | F7015 | Exempt |
Supv,TV Production Support | 11 | M6006 | Exempt |
Manager,Patron Services | 13 | N7052 | Exempt |
Artist Model | 09 | M0014 | Non-Exempt |
Contract & Grant Administrator | 11 | B1011 | Exempt |
Lead Medical Scribe | 10 | A3014 | Non-Exempt |
Mktg & Devt Mgr,Harwood Museum | 12 | N7066 | Exempt |
Spec,Legal Compl/QA/MedMal | 13 | C0010 | Exempt |
Reporter | 10 | N0002 | Non-Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Housing Res Life | 15 | G7127 | Exempt |
HR Consultant,Sr | 14 | D4015 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Tickets & Patron Exp | 14 | M7018 | Exempt |
Coord,Special Activities | 08 | O5012 | Non-Exempt |
Dir,Women's Resource Center | 15 | G8013 | Exempt |
Safety Specialist 3 | 14 | X3014 | Exempt |
Exec Dir,Inst Support Svcs | 17 | A8132 | Exempt |
Mgr,Residence Life | 13 | G7143 | Exempt |
AVP,Enrollment Management | 18 | G8064 | Exempt |
VP,Enrollment Management | 99 | G9064 | Exempt |
Teacher Aide | 06 | H0009 | Non-Exempt |
Grp Mgr,Capital Projects | 15 | F7005 | Exempt |
Esports Assistant Director | 12 | Y7030 | Exempt |
Secretary to Board of Regents | 17 | A8131 | Exempt |
Chief Strategic Advisor | 18 | A8104 | Exempt |
Labor/Employee Relations Splst | 14 | D1073 | Exempt |
ID Card Services,Mgr | 12 | A7004 | Exempt |
Dir,F&A Strategic Initiatives | 17 | A8113 | Exempt |
Head Golf Professional | 10 | I5009 | Non-Exempt |
Privacy Officer/HIPAA Privacy | 17 | A7072 | Exempt |
Coord,Student CARE | 13 | X5013 | Exempt |
Deputy AD/CRO,Athletics | 18 | N7068 | Exempt |
Academic Advisement Coord | 13 | G4086 | Exempt |
Student Success Coord | 13 | G4087 | Exempt |
Assoc Dir,Government Relations | 15 | N7061 | Exempt |